Monday, July 25, 2022



This has been quite a month in my vacation and Covid-filled absence from the weekly blog.  Caroline and I are both recovering from Covid, but we only had “milder” symptoms like a bad cold.  As I return to blogging, I am aware of how relevant the 14th Amendment is in our current political climate.  So, I am revising and reprising one of my blogs from 2018 on the 150th anniversary of the 14th Amendment.  This week’s blog is on the continuing power, relevance and struggle over the 14th Amendment.  Next week’s blog will be on the 14th Amendment, the Dobbs decision, and Donald Trump.

    July 28 marks the 154th anniversary of the  adoption of the 14th amendment to the Constitution.  It was ratified on July 9, 1868, and on July 29, Secretary of State William Seward declared that it was officially ratified and now part of the Constitution.  

This amendment is one of the most litigated of the parts of the Constitution because it did four important things.  First, it established the right of citizens to due process in relationship to the government.  Second, it provided equal protection to all citizens.  Third, it established the idea of “birthright” of citizenship – if you are born “here” in USA or our territories, you are automatically an American citizen.  Fourth, it indicated for the first time that state and local governments were subject to these first three steps.  

This 14th Amendment has had a difficult time in American history.    Even while it was being ratified, white Southerners were working to undercut it, and indeed we did undercut it through a reign of terror and legislative manipulation.  It would take almost 100 years before it would gain even a minimal force of law through the Civil Rights Acts and the Voting Rights Acts of 1964-65.   In a terrible but not surprising decision in 2013, the US Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act by taking out its “special” enforcement status for those states whose history indicated an unwillingness to adhere to the 14th Amendment.  It should be no surprise that decision (Shelby v. U.S.) came out of the state of Alabama, a state as Martin Luther King, Jr., said in his 1963 speech: “with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of interposition and nullification.”

This struggle over the 14th Amendment is so great because, in many ways, it is the crux on which the American experiment  and indeed the idea of constitutional government hinges – it always seems to be hanging in the balance.  Do we believe in the idea of equality or not?  Our history says “no,” for the most part, but the 14th Amendment is among our better angels, urging us to say “yes.”  Many of our leaders have understood the importance and the meaning of this Amendment.  Thurgood Marshall was one who understood it, and he put it this way in his Bicentennial speech in 1987:  “While the Union survived the Civil War, the Constitution did not.  In its place arose a new, more promising basis for justice and equality, the 14th Amendment….guaranteeing equal protection of the laws.”

Marshall correctly understood that the intent of the Constitution in its beginning was to keep power in the hands of white men of property, and so there was no mention of the full humanity of women or of people of African descent or Native Americans.  Yet, the idea of equality was so powerful and so electric, that the white men of property could not confine it to themselves.  Women heard their names called.  African-Americans heard their names called.  Native Americans heard their names called.  Latinx Americans heard their names called.  Asian-Americans heard their names called.  Poor people heard their names called.  LGBTQ people heard their names called.  The power of the 14th Amendment is to speak to all of us:  the power of the idea of equality is calling to us all.  That is one of the great things that we should remember as we celebrate this powerful amendment to the Constitution.

  It is not just progressives who have understood the meaning of this 14th Amendment.  Regressives have understood it too.  That’s why the fight over the 14th Amendment continues.  Those who speak of being “originalists” over the authority of the Constitution are seeking to take us back to the days of the origins of the Constitution, when white men of property were seen as those entitled to power.   There is a lot of talk these days about the changing demographics in America, with young people and people of color becoming the majority in the USA sooner than many of us realize.   Some progressives have hopes in this demographic change, and I have hopes too.  Yet, we should realize that old white men (and women, it seems, since the majority of them voted for Trump) will not yield this power easily, if we yield it at all.  Limits on voting rights, purging voter rolls, overt gerrymandering – all designed to take us back to the original Constitution.  And, now the Supreme Court seems to taking a hard turn towards this regressive status, so perhaps a Dred Scott decision or a Plessy decision awaits us in the near future.

So, let us give thanks for those who worked so hard for this amendment and others to follow.  Take time this week to read the 14th Amendment – our very lives as a nation may depend on our ability to believe and to live it.  Then, while you still can, make sure that you are registered to vote and that all your friends, neighbors and colleagues are registered to vote – these November elections will tell us if we are moving with the 14th Amendment or against it.  

Friday, July 15, 2022



In my abbreviated blog this week, I want to remind everyone that tomorrow (Saturday, July 16) is the 160th anniversary of one of the great American prophets, Ida B. Wells-Barnett.  In many ways, hers is the American story of possibility and hard work:  she was born into slavery in Holly Springs, Mississippi, but by the time of her death, she was one of the most famous people in America.  In many ways, her story is the American story racism and sexism:  because she was a Black woman, her witness was deeply resisted and almost forgotten in history.  Yet, thanks to the efforts of her daughter Alfreda Duster and now her great-grandchildren Michelle and Dan Duster, Ida B. Wells is having her moment in history, as her powerful witness is remembered and celebrated.

Wells fought her way into the American consciousness, and she kept fighting until she passed in 1931.  Although she was a “race” woman, she was just as strongly a crusader for women’s rights, for an end to war, and for justice for all, no matter one’s class status.  Though she was anti-war, she did not espouse non-violence as a way of life.  She told all Black families to keep a Winchester rifle in their homes so that they could protect themselves in case white folks came for them.  Indeed, in one of the many times that her life was threatened, she proclaimed that they might get her, but she would take as many of the attackers as she could with her into death.

She grew up in the chaos of Reconstruction, but she heard from her parents and from her culture and church that her primary definition was “child of God.”  This belief carried her through the tidal wave of white supremacy and racism that swept away Reconstruction and that re-established neo-slavery.  Her strong and insightful and persistent voice makes her such a vital prophet for our time, as we tremble on the precipice of a tsunami of white, male supremacy seeking to reassert itself.  Her life and witness are a powerful tool for us in our time.

If you want to know more about Ida B. Wells, see the award-winning book that Dr. Catherine Meeks and I co-authored:  “Passionate for Justice:  Ida B. Wells as Prophet for Our Time.”  Her great granddaughter Michelle Duster also has a fine book about her and about her witness for both racial and gender justice: “Ida B the Queen: The Extraordinary Life and Legacy of Ida B. Wells.”  There is also a much longer bio of her by Paula Giddings entitled “Ida: A Sword Among Lions.”  Or, in the modern age, just “google” her, and you will find all kinds of information.

So, please, tomorrow raise a glass to Ida B. Wells – give thanks for her life and witness. May her spirit speak forth now in our time of need, giving us courage and determination and vision.