Monday, July 20, 2020



It stood there for many years,
Tall and strong when we arrived 30 years ago,
Western-most tree among many,
Shielding sunlight, absorbing Westwind
Sending its roots to buckle our narrow driveway,
Marker on a busy street,
Signaller of a forested lot, sloping upwards to the east.

It has seen a lot – smog-absorbing, siren-pierced,
Horns abounding, people walking, the killing garage,
Rain-washed, hawks perching, jays squawking, owls hooting,
Lightning struck, cone-dropping
Yet, it grows and grows,
     So mighty and fertile that
It split into two branches at about twenty feet,
Making it vulnerable to many perils, (so the tree-man said)
Still it grows and grows.

I think on it now, as I stand on its Pine-Soul trunk,
All that’s left of its eighty foot might,
Felled this week because it was so strong
So fertile that it invaded county sewer lines,
Powerful roots slicing through terra, terra cotta, concrete
In search of the nutrient-rich water
Cascading down from our showers, dishes washed,
Laundry done, our times on the pot
Who needs rain when you’ve got the sewer?

I think on it now in a weekend of death
Death of giants, John Lewis, CT Vivian, Connie Curry,
A good friend struggling between life and death
Death visiting so closely in coronavirus,
Death trying to take root in the Trumpdemic.

And, my own mortality, but not just that,
     Though that is enough
But, a marking, a time of transition,
The old order passing, history emerging,
From preaching to chickens to the blows of Jim Clark,
To the words of my mother:  “No N-word in this house, Mister.”

I’m sorry to see you go, old friend, but
     Here it is
Our usage both fed you and killed you,
That’s the cycle of your life and ours
May my memories be so tall as you.

July 17, 2020


  1. Wow, thanks Nibs. I have such a deep love for trees, and some of them are very special to me. It almost feels like a real relationship. So this spoke to me. Hope you are well...

    Sally Thomas

    1. Thanks, Sally! I'm a big fan of trees too - we have a lot of tall ones on our property - they scare me when. big winds blow, but they are also so awesome. Caroline was glad to see this one go - she was so afraid that it would fall, but I'll really miss it. We are well in these crazy times.

  2. I love trees. Started reading The Over Story our lives are intertwined with trees. Bless you
