Monday, August 3, 2020



John Lewis was not Jesus, but…..
John Lewis was not Jesus
But it’s not hard to imagine
It seems true
John Lewis standing in the land of the dead,
John Lewis standing in the belly of the beast
In the heart of the Deep South (it is always with us)
Calling out those of us dead in racism,
Calling out to us
            What is your name?
Like the man in the tombs,
We call out:  Racism!
We call out:  White Supremacy!
It has become our name.

John Lewis was not Jesus, but….
We can imagine him
We experienced him
We heard him
Telling us that we had a different name,
Telling us we had a different definition:
            Child of God
That we could be clothed
In right understanding of ourselves and others

John Lewis was not Jesus, but……
The calling out, the healing was
Bearing that cost in body and soul,
Beaten on the bus,
     Beaten on the bridge,
Arrested again and again.
People saw Jesus heal the man
They were afraid, not hopeful
They were afraid
Get outta here, they told Jesus
No healing allowed here – too much cost

John Lewis was not Jesus, but…..
He kept on calling, kept on marching, kept on loving,
The one who was healed wanted to leave,
Wanted to go with Jesus, wanted to get away
Jesus sent him back
Jesus sent him back
To the same people who feared him, who chained him,
Go back and tell people

John Lewis was not Jesus, but…..
He tells us to go back,
Go back to Mississippi,
Go back to Minneapolis,
Go back to Atlanta
Go back to Glynn County (and not to see Sidney Lanier)
Go back and tell
Go back and tell of a new vision,
Go back and call for justice
            Call for equity, call for love
Go back and tell what God has done for you
Go back and tell the truth.

John Lewis was not Jesus, but…..


  1. Powerful and thought provoking, A
    call to reality and action.

    1. Thank you! May we all find our way to his path.
